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Live. Love. Enjoy. Our therapists are here to help you thrive. Let's talk!
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What sex therapy IS
What sex therapy IS NOT
By Dr. K. Bloom,Ph.D.,LCSW, ACHt, CST, Board Certified Clinical Sexologist
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy approaches therapy from a deeply caring and healing perspective. Dr. Bloom will guide you in a gentle way to help you release what may be holding you back from happiness. Did you know you have within your own subconscious mind, the key to your own individual health and healing? Learn to quiet the chaos!
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is a form of deep relaxation that teaches you to speak the language of your subconscious mind. I follow your lead and go at your pace so you can feel better and more at ease.
Receive some new resources to get unstuck from old patterns and feelings of unworthiness! Dr. Bloom can help you to be a victor instead of a victim, and to change unwanted behaviors such as overeating, smoking, overspending, or unhealthy relationships.
This method has been used for over 40 years. People love it and are seeking it because of the breakthrough experiences of relief and release that no talk therapy approach could seem to touch. Here is more info from the founders:
According to the Wellness Institute Founded by Diane Zimberoff and David Hartman:
How Does Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy differ from other hypnotherapy methods?
Heart-Centered-Hypnotherapy approaches therapy from a deeply caring and dynamically healing perspective. Our highly trained therapists and practitioners embrace the concepts of self-determination and the belief that every client contains, deeply within their own subconscious mind, the key to their own individual health and healing.
Our first task as a Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy clinician is learning how to speak the language of the subconscious mind. In talk therapy or counseling sessions we have spent years communicating with the conscious mind of our abused, addicted, depressed and anxious clients. In speaking with the conscious mind of our clients, we can offer them behavioral solutions, insight, empathy and positive affirmations. We can try to help them understand their difficulties, but this method contains limitations and often does not produce long lasting changes in their emotions or behavior. It does not relieve their anxiety or depression and talking certainly is extremely limited in treating and eliminating addictive behavior. It is mainly through learning how to access this deeply personal guidance held within each human being that Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy excels. The subconscious mind contains 90 percent of the mind and within that 90 percent is the deeply held key that unlocks the client’s individual inner guidance.
What Issues Is Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Specified For?
Heart-Centered-Hypnotherapy has documented and successfully treated a wide variety of presenting problems. In fact, the list of what can be treated with HCH is exhaustive. The most common presenting problems for therapists, mental health and marriage counselors, psychologists, school counselors and marriage and family therapists are anxiety and depression. The next extensive category consists of both substance and behavioral addictions. The third highest category of people searching for therapy are those people seeking help with marriage, family and relationship dysfunction. Interestingly enough, most of these problems actually stem from some form of addiction, the previous category.
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy has been extensively and successfully used to treat any and all of these issues for the past thirty-five years by therapists all over the country and in many other countries including South Africa, Taiwan, Kuwait, Turkey, Denmark, Canada, Mexico, and more. We have found that HCH is extremely universal and the healing is just as profound in many other languages and cultures as it is English. The reason that this method has become so universal is that all Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy sessions begin with unconditional love within the heart-center of the administering therapist and then it reaches into the heart, mind and soul of the suffering or addicted client. Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, through the professional who implements it, touches the deepest humanity, the heart and soul of each client to bring profound healing in each and every session. Thus, the overall length of treatment is shortened and the healing is profound and noticeable. Find out more at
Dr. K. Bloom healing approach
Hypnosis is a deep form of relaxation...
Bloom Sexual Disorder Screening Questionnaire
Take this quiz and get a free report! People are sometimes uncomfortable talking about their sexual experiences even though they want to. It is ok and important for us to talk about them in order to understand and address any sexual concerns you may have. Feel free to ask any questions if you need clarification about any of the questions.
1. Have you ever been sexually abused or coerced? Please describe what happened, how many incidents, with whom, etc.
2. How often do you experience low desire or no desire for sexual activity?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
3. How often do you have any pain in your genitals during sexual intercourse?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
4. How often do you feel uncomfortable identifying with your gender (being male or female)?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
5. How often are you unable to reach orgasm during sexual activity, including masturbation, oral sex, or intercourse?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
6. How often do you find that you avoid sexual activity altogether?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
7. How often do you engage in any sexual behaviors others might find unusual?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
8.a (For males only) How often do you have difficulty or are you unable to have or maintain an erection?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
8.b (For males only) How often do you experience ejaculation before you wish to during sexual stimulation (shorter than 3-5 minutes)?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
9.a (For females only) How often do you experience any persistent involuntary spasms of your vagina that interfere with sexual intercourse?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
9.b (For females only) Are you unable to attain an adequate lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement in your genitals during sexual activity?
1 2 3 4 5
□ Never □ Occasionally □ Sometimes □ Often □ All the time
10. If you answered that you experience any of the above:
Did you notice your symptoms occurring at the same time as the onset of any medical conditions, medications or substances?
11. Do any of the above cause you marked distress, or interfere with your relationships or other aspects of your life?
12. Do you have any other sexual concerns that I may not have mentioned? Please describe.
Submit this questionnaire to for a free analysis and report
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